Trip Facts

14 days
Trekking Region:
Annapurna Region
Max. altitude:
4130m (13549 ft )
Easy to Moderate
Best Time:
Feb to mid -june and September to December
Group size:
Min 2 pax and Maximum 12 pax ( Private package for solo traveller)
Hotel and Tea house
Lunch, Breakfast and Dinner and snacks
Flight and Private vehicles

Trip Highlights

  • Beautiful view of the sunrise from Poon Hill.
    \A view of the tallest mountains in the world, Annapurna I (10th) and Dhaulagiri I (7th).
  • At Annapurna Base Camp, spend the night.
  • Walk through a wilderness that has a variety of plants and animals.
  • Gorgeous views of the mountains and glaciers from Annapurna Base Camp.
  • Natural hot spring bathing at Jhinu.

Trip Overview

During this trek you will be witnessing of Annapurna mountains ranges and we will trek till Annapurna Base Camp of 10th highest mountain in the world. Its also known as "Annapurna Sanctuary" trek the entire trek will be in Annapurna Conservation region, Villages, rivers and settlements. 

During this trek you will be witnessing of stunning mountains peaks such as  Mt. Annapurna I (4130m/13,549ft), Annapurna II (7937m/26,040ft), Annapurna III (7555m/24787ft), Annapurna IV (7525m/24688ft), Annapurna South (7219m23684ft), Machhapuchhre (6999m/22963ft), Dhaulagiri I (8167m/26795ft), Gangapurna (7455m/24459ft), Khangsar Kang (7485m/24557ft), Dhampus peak (6011m/19724ft), Hiunchuli (6441m/21132ft). 

Detail Itinerary

Upon your arrival in kathmandu international airport after completions of your costume and immigrations your trek leader will be waiting for you there and he will be transfer you in the hotel. After check in your trek leader will brief you about the trek and other essentials preparations for the trek. Its best time to ask questions to your guide regarding your confusions and get to know about your fellow trekkers. 

On this day of your trek, you will have an exciting itinerary that involves flying to Pokhara and then trekking to Banthanti at an altitude of 2300 meters. The hike will take approximately 3 hours. Here’s a summary of your day:
After breakfast, you will proceed to the domestic terminal for a 30-minute flight to Pokhara. Pokhara is a scenic lakeside town and a gateway to various trekking routes in the Annapurna region.

Upon landing in Pokhara, you will embark on a two-hour drive to reach the starting point of your trek. This drive will take you through beautiful landscapes, giving you a glimpse of the stunning natural beauty of Nepal.

From the starting point, you will begin your trek with a steep ascent towards the village of Ulleri. This uphill climb will take approximately two hours. Upon reaching Ulleri, you will stop for lunch and take a well-deserved break. Ulleri is a charming village known for its picturesque setting and traditional houses.
After lunch, you will continue your trek on a less steep gradient. The trail will lead you towards Banthanti, where you will spend the night. Banthanti is a relatively lesser-known village, making it a tranquil stopover. You will have the opportunity to experience the warm hospitality of a lodge run by a friendly local family.

Banthanti is located at an altitude of 2300 meters, offering you the chance to acclimatize gradually to the increasing elevation as you continue your trekking journey.

Overall, this day combines a scenic flight, a short drive, and a rewarding trek, allowing you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Annapurna region and experience the unique charm of lesser-visited villages like Banthanti.

After enjoying breakfast, your day’s adventure begins with a hike to Ghorepani. The trail will lead you through dense Oak and Rhododendron forests, accompanied by the pleasant sound of cascading streams. Throughout the day, you will be ascending to Ghorepani at various gradients.

Ghorepani is a charming settlement situated at the top of a ridge. It offers a beautiful vantage point for panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, provided the weather is clear. The spectacular vistas include Mount Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Barahi Shikhar, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Machapuchare, and many other peaks to the east.

If the weather permits, you can hike up to Poonhill in the evening to witness an awe-inspiring sunset. This hike allows you to avoid the crowds that typically gather for the sunrise experience. It is an excellent opportunity to savour the area’s tranquillity and soak in the beauty of the Himalayan landscape as the sun paints the mountains with vibrant colours.

The vistas from Poonhill are genuinely breathtaking. You will be treated to panoramic views of some of the most magnificent peaks in the Annapurna region. It is a remarkable experience that adds an extra touch of magic to your trek.
So, get ready to embark on an enchanting hike through lush forests, relish the sounds of nature, and be rewarded with stunning vistas at Ghorepani. And if the weather permits, don’t miss the chance to hike to Poonhill for a memorable sunset view over the majestic Himalayas.

In the early morning, you will embark on an exciting excursion to Poon Hill, which stands at an altitude of 3210 meters. This popular vantage point offers breathtaking views of the high Himalayan peaks during sunrise.

The hike to Poon Hill from your lodge takes approximately 45 minutes and involves climbing around 400 meters. Once you reach the top, you will be greeted by a magnificent sunrise and a panoramic display of the towering Himalayan peaks. This awe-inspiring sight will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

After savouring the sunrise’s beauty, you will return to the lodge for a well-deserved breakfast. Once you have refuelled and packed up, your trek continues towards Tadapani, which is at an altitude of 2540 meters.

Suppose you prefer to avoid the crowds at Poon Hill. In that case, an alternative option is to discuss with your trek leader the possibility of trekking towards Tadapani and enjoying the sunrise from a high point along the trail. This allows you to experience the beauty of the sunrise in a more secluded and serene setting while shortening your trek for the day. Your trek leader will be able to provide guidance and help you make the best decision based on the prevailing conditions and group preferences.

Whichever option you choose, witnessing the sunrise over the Himalayan peaks is truly a remarkable experience that will create lasting memories. So, be prepared to wake up early, embrace the tranquillity of the morning, and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the mountains before continuing your trek towards Tadapani.

From Tadapani, your trek continues as the trail gradually descends through the lush forest. The air is filled with the pleasant sounds of birds chirping, and if you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of Langur monkeys swinging through the trees.
After walking downhill for approximately 45 minutes, the trail turns sharp and steep. This section will lead you through terraced fields before reaching Kimrung Khola, where you’ll cross a suspension bridge.

Once across the bridge, you’ll continue your hike towards Gurjung village, experiencing ups and downs. The trail offers a glimpse into the local way of life, passing through charming villages and providing opportunities to interact with the friendly locals.

After Gurjung village, you’ll make your way to Chomrong village. The descent from Chomrong village to the Chomrong River is quite steep, but steps have been carved out to make the descent more manageable. Once you reach the river, you’ll cross it and begin the uphill climb towards your final destination for the day, Sinuwa, situated at 2170 meters.

The hike from Tadapani to Sinuwa typically takes 6 to 7 hours, depending on your pace and rest breaks. It’s a challenging but rewarding trek section that showcases the region’s stunning natural beauty and cultural aspects.

As you descend through the forest, pass by vibrant terraced fields, navigate through charming villages, and make your way to Sinuwa, take the time to appreciate the surroundings and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the Annapurna region.

Leaving Sinuwa village, your trek continues with a gradual ascent along the trail. The path will offer a mix of gentle climbs, flat stretches, and some descents. As you hike through the thick forest, look for langur monkeys in the trees, adding an element of wildlife spotting to your journey. Additionally, as you come across openings in the woods, you’ll be rewarded with stunning glimpses of the majestic peaks surrounding you.

After reaching the top of Sinuwa village and taking in the incredible views, you’ll begin a steep downhill section towards Bamboo. This part of the trail requires caution as you navigate the descent. Once you reach Bamboo, you’ll have a decision regarding lunchtime and your overnight stop.

At Bamboo, you can break for an early lunch, replenishing your energy before continuing your trek. Alternatively, if you have the stamina and prefer to maximize your hiking time, you can push on for an additional 75 minutes to Doban, where you can enjoy a slightly later lunch and spend the night.

Ultimately, stopping at Bamboo for an early lunch or continuing to Doban depends on your preferences, physical fitness, and overall trekking pace. It’s essential to listen to your body and assess your energy levels to make the most suitable choice for yourself. Both options offer their advantages, and your trek leader can also provide valuable input to assist in making an informed decision based on the specific circumstances of your trek.

Remember to pace yourself, stay hydrated, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings as you hike through the enchanting forested trails of the Annapurna region.

On this day, your trek takes you to the awe-inspiring Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3700m) at the foot of the majestic Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) peak. The hike to the base camp is estimated to be around 6 hours.

Starting your day, you’ll ascend through the enchanting rhododendron forest, enveloped by the vibrant hues of these beautiful flowers. Approximately 45 minutes into your hike, you’ll come across a small shrine, and on the opposite side, you’ll be treated to the sight of a waterfall. These cascading falls resemble a “weeping wall,” creating a picturesque scene amidst the natural surroundings.

Continuing further, you’ll be serenaded by the sounds of the roaring Modi River as you make your way through streams and catch glimpses of more waterfalls along the trail. After about one and a half hours from Doban, you’ll reach the Himalayas, where the grandeur of the mountain ranges begins to unfold before you.

As you progress, the hike takes you to Hinku cave through a steep ascent, followed by a short descent and yet another short, steep climb to Deurali. At this point, you’ll start to notice a change in the flora. The vegetation becomes drier and more sparse, reflecting the higher altitude.

It’s essential to be aware of the weather conditions during the afternoons, as fog from the lower valleys can roll in and obscure the surroundings. As you ascend further, you may experience symptoms of high altitude, such as dizziness and increased respiration with even slight exertion. To acclimatise appropriately, proceeding slowly and steadily over the next couple of days is advised, allowing your body time to adapt to the increasing altitude.

This leg of the trek offers breathtaking views and a remarkable transition in the surrounding landscape. Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique beauty of the Annapurna region, but always prioritise your safety and well-being by adhering to proper acclimatisation practices.

Upon reaching Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC), you will be captivated by the awe-inspiring proximity of Mount Machapuchare (Fishtail), Hiunchuli, and Annapurna South. This stunning mountain vista is sure to leave you speechless.
After a hearty breakfast, you will hike to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC). The panoramic mountain views will amaze you as you continue walking and ascending to higher altitudes. The landscape unfolds before you, revealing the grandeur of the surrounding peaks.

Approximately 45 minutes into your hike from MBC, you’ll notice that the inclination becomes gentler, providing you with a more comfortable and steady climb. This allows you to appreciate the 360-degree view of the Annapurna Base Camp area, which is truly mesmerising.

Arriving at Annapurna Base Camp, you will have the entire afternoon to soak in the sights and relax amidst the breathtaking surroundings. In the afternoons, clouds often roll up the valley, creating a mystical atmosphere as they glide down towards the valley in the evening. If the weather is cloudy, the sunsets at Annapurna Base Camp can be truly spectacular, adding a touch of magic to the experience.

Take your time to savour every moment at the base camp, marvel at the stunning mountain panorama, and seize the opportunity to unwind and appreciate the natural beauty surrounding you.

Please be aware that weather conditions can vary, and you must always prioritise your safety. Stay informed about local weather forecasts and the advice of your trek leader or guides to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience at Annapurna Base Camp.

On this day, you will begin early to witness the magnificent sunrise over Mount Machapuchare, Annapurna III, Singhuchuli, Annapurna I, Barahi Shikhar, Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli from Annapurna Base Camp (ABC). This breathtaking spectacle will be a truly memorable experience as the first rays of sunlight illuminate the surrounding mountain peaks, filling the sky with vibrant hues.

After enjoying the sunrise, you will have breakfast at ABC and then retrace your steps back to Bamboo, your next destination. As you make your way downhill, you can observe the beautiful views more easily. However, it is essential to note that this day involves a long descent, covering a total altitude loss of approximately 1600 meters.

For those with knee problems or concerns, it is advisable to bring a good knee pad or additional support to provide comfort and stability during the descending portion of the trek. This precaution will help minimize discomfort and prevent any strain on your knees.

It’s worth mentioning that this will be a long day of trekking, so ensure you are adequately prepared with sufficient water, snacks, and appropriate gear. Take regular breaks, listen to your body, and pace yourself accordingly to maintain a comfortable and safe journey.

From ABC to Bamboo, you will witness a different landscape perspective as you leave the high-altitude region and return to a lower elevation. Appreciate the changing scenery and relish the memories of the remarkable sights you encountered during your ascent.

Remember to be mindful of your physical condition and practice caution while descending. Take the necessary precautions to ensure the well-being of your knees and enjoy the journey back to Bamboo, taking in the beauty that surrounds you along the way.

The day begins with a 45-minute climb from Bamboo, which serves as a good warm-up for your body and helps relieve any soreness or stiffness from the previous day’s descent. This initial ascent lets you gradually activate your muscles and prepare for trekking.

After the steep climb, the trail levels out from Kuldi Ghar, offering a series of flats and gentle descents until you reach upper Sinuwa. This stretch provides a pleasant respite from challenging inclines, allowing you to enjoy a more relaxed walking experience. As you continue onward, there will be a significant descent towards the Chomrong River, granting you beautiful views as you reach the riverbed.

Upon crossing the river, you will encounter another notable feature of the trail: a 45-minute climb with steps leading you to the top of the village. This ascent can be physically demanding but is manageable with a steady pace. Once you reach the top, you will have a well-deserved lunch break in this village.

From there, you will embark on an approximately one-hour steep descent, eventually reaching Jhinu Danda. This section of the trail will require careful footing as you descend, so be sure to maintain balance and take caution with each step.

The prospect of a rewarding visit to the hot springs at Jhinu Danda will likely motivate many trekkers. These natural hot springs offer the opportunity to soak and relax, providing a rejuvenating experience for your tired muscles. Take advantage of this opportunity to unwind and indulge in the therapeutic benefits of the hot springs, allowing your body and mind to recover fully.

As always, be mindful of your safety and the trail’s condition, particularly during descents. Take it at a comfortable pace, stay hydrated, and enjoy the anticipation of a well-deserved soak in the hot springs at Jhinu Danda.

You will descend steeply from Jhinu Danda towards the Kimrong River, a stretch demanding careful attention due to its challenging terrain. The trail then winds through a blend of descents and ascents, lasting about 3 hours, leading you to the delightful village of Landruk. The journey through forests and terraced fields promises ever-changing vistas.

Upon arrival in Landruk, enjoy an hour of the relatively level trail, offering a welcome break from the undulating path. At the village of Tokha, take a well-deserved break for lunch, revitalizing yourself for the next trek phase.

In the afternoon, gear up for a demanding uphill climb of approximately 2 hours to Deurali. This segment calls for endurance and a steady pace. As you ascend, savour the breathtaking panoramas, rewarding your efforts.

A further hour’s hike from Deurali will lead you to Pothana, your day’s destination. Expect serene mountain trails and picturesque views along this final stretch.

Upon reaching Pothana, gather with your support crew for a celebratory last night party, commemorating the successful conclusion of your trek. Embrace this joyful moment to express gratitude, share stories, and bask in the camaraderie forged throughout your journey.

As your trek draws to a close, take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences and challenges overcome. Treasure the accomplishment and the cherished memories forged during this extraordinary adventure.

After the exhilarating trek and the final descent to the village of Dhampus, you will have a short and scenic 90-minute journey awaiting you. Upon reaching Dhampus, your vehicle will be ready to drive you back to Pokhara, marking the end of your trekking adventure.

Once in Pokhara, you will have the opportunity to unwind and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this beautiful lakeside city. With the afternoon at your disposal, stroll along the lakeside area, allowing yourself to soak in the serene surroundings and breathtaking views of the tranquil Phewa Lake.

Pokhara is known for its laid-back ambience and offers a variety of activities to suit your interests. If you wish, you can explore local shops and markets to find unique handicrafts, souvenirs, and local artwork. The Lakeside area is renowned for its boutique shops, making it a perfect place for a shopping spree.

Numerous cafes line the Lakeside for those looking to relax, providing the perfect spot to savour coffee or indulge in a refreshing cocktail. You can take time to unwind, reflect on your trekking journey, and appreciate the natural beauty surrounding you.

In the evening, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Lakeside. You can choose from a wide range of restaurants that cater to various cuisines, ensuring that there’s something to satisfy every palate. After enjoying a delicious meal, you can explore the nightlife scene, where live music venues and bars offer a mix of local and international sounds.

As you conclude your trek, take a moment to bid farewell to your support crew, who have been by your side throughout the journey. Express your gratitude for their guidance, assistance, and commitment to ensuring your trek was a memorable and safe experience.

Embrace Pokhara’s tranquil charm, savour its delights, and allow yourself to unwind and reflect on the incredible adventure you have just completed. Cherish the memories, friendships, and experiences gained during your trek, knowing you have accomplished something remarkable.

Upon flying back to Kathmandu in the morning, you will have a few hours to do some last-minute shopping or relax. Afterwards, you will have a final dinner with your trek leader. This dinner provides an opportunity to express gratitude, reflect on the journey, and celebrate the accomplishments and memories created during the trek. Whether you choose to engage in shopping or take some time to unwind, the final dinner marks the end of your trekking adventure in Nepal.

You will be brought to the airport 3 hours before your departure time for your international flight.

Cost Includes

  • Boutique hotel in Kathmandu on a bed-and-breakfast basis
  • Boutique hotel in Pokhara on a bed-and-breakfast basis
  • Hotel/lodges during trekking on twin sharing basis
  • All transportation
  • One expert trek leader or Trek with Norbu 
  • Use of trekking kit bag during the trek
  • One assistant guide between 4 trekkers
  • Trekking Chef
  • One porter between two trekkers
  • Proper clothing for porters and crew
  • Food for porters & crew members 
  • Insurance for team and porters
  • All permits
  • Twin sharing room on the trek
  • All meals on the trek 
  • Domestic airfare (where applicable)

Cost Excludes

  • International airport taxes
  • Visas
  • All optional additional tours or activities during free time
  • Transportation outside of the tour program
  • Travel insurance (compulsory to have insurance that covers helicopter evacuation)
  • Tips and gratitude for staffs and Leader’s tips at your discretion
  • Items of a personal nature, e.g., alcoholic drinks, bottled beverages, laundry, souvenirs, etc.


The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is considered moderately complex. It involves several days of walking on uneven terrain, with some steep ascents and descents. Trekkers should be in good physical condition and have some prior trekking experience. However, with proper preparation and acclimatization, most people with reasonable fitness levels can complete the trek.

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek typically ranges from 12 to 14 days, depending on the specific route taken and the pace of the trekker. Most itineraries include time for acclimatization and exploring the surrounding areas, which can extend the trek to about 14 days.


The best time to trek to Annapurna Base Camp is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these times, the weather is generally stable, and the views of the mountains are crystal clear. The temperatures are also moderate, making the trek more comfortable.


Packing for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek should include essential trekking gear such as a good-quality backpack, sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing (especially layers), a sleeping bag, and trekking poles. Other items like sunscreen, a water purification system, and basic first aid supplies are also crucial.


Altitude sickness can be a concern on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek, particularly as you ascend above 3,000 meters. Symptoms can include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. It’s essential to acclimatize properly by taking rest days and ascending gradually. Staying hydrated and avoiding alcohol can also help prevent altitude sickness.


Accommodation on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is primarily in teahouses, simple lodges offering basic amenities like a bed, meals, and sometimes hot showers. The quality of teahouses can vary, but they provide a comfortable place to rest after trekking.


A guide can provide valuable insights into the local culture, ensure your safety, and help navigate the sometimes complex trails. The guide can provide valuable insights into the local culture, ensure your safety, and help navigate the sometimes complex trails.



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