Upper Mustang Trek

Trip Facts

17 days
Trekking Region:
Mustang Trekking
Max. altitude:
Best Time:
Group size:
Min 2 and Maximum 15 people
Tea house and lodge
Lunch, Breakfast and Dinner and snacks
Flight and Private vehicles and Porters

Trip Highlights

  • Admire the breathtakingly stunning sandy terrain and the unusual rock formations.
  • Experience your spiritual aspect during upper mustang trekking by several Gompas, chortens, waving prayer flags, and Chosar caves.
  • Explore the historic kingdom of Lo Manthang.
  • Muktinath Temple. Located at the elevation of 3800 meters Muktinath temple is a Holy spot for Hindu and Buddhist.
  • Mountain ranges like the Nilgiri, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and others may be seen in a beautiful way.
  • Take a tour of the picturesque city of Pokhara which includes its lakes, caves, temples, and waterfalls.

Trip Overview

The Upper Mustang Trek is a popular trekking route in the Mustang region of Nepal, offering a unique and culturally rich experience. Here's a detailed overview:

  • Location: Upper Mustang is a remote and isolated region located in the northwestern part of Nepal, bordering Tibet. It lies in the rain shadow of the Himalayas, resulting in a landscape quite different from the lush greenery found in other parts of Nepal.
  • Permits: Since the Upper Mustang is a restricted area, special permits are required for trekking. The area was opened to foreigners in 1992, but permits are still limited and relatively expensive compared to other trekking regions in Nepal.
  • Cultural Experience: Upper Mustang is often referred to as a "hidden kingdom" with a rich cultural heritage. The region was once part of the Tibetan empire and shares many cultural similarities with Tibet. The trek takes you through ancient walled villages, monasteries, and caves adorned with Buddhist murals and sculptures.
  • Scenery: While the landscape of Upper Mustang is arid and desert-like, it offers stunning views of the Himalayas, including peaks like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Nilgiri. You'll trek through barren valleys, rugged terrain, and dramatic cliffs, encountering picturesque villages along the way.
  • Trekking Difficulty: The Upper Mustang Trek is considered moderate in terms of difficulty. While the trek itself doesn't involve high altitudes like some other routes in Nepal, the remote and arid terrain can present challenges. Trekkers should be prepared for long days of walking and variable weather conditions.
  • Duration: The duration of the trek can vary depending on the starting point and itinerary. Most itineraries for the Upper Mustang Trek range from 10 to 14 days, starting and ending in the town of Jomsom. Some trekkers opt to combine the Upper Mustang Trek with the Annapurna Circuit Trek for a longer adventure.
  • Best Time to Trek: The best time to trek in Upper Mustang is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is generally stable and the skies are clear. The monsoon season (June to August) should be avoided due to the risk of landslides and difficult trail conditions.

Overall, the Upper Mustang Trek offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and adventure, making it a bucket-list destination for many trekkers seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience in Nepal.

Detail Itinerary

Upon your arrival in kathamndu airport you will sort out your visa and immigrations task and our representative will be there to collect your baggage and drop you to in hotel by private vehicles. After check in depending on your arrival you will have time to explore little bit before dinner. 

We will take a flight to Pokhara it will be 25 minutes. In Pokhara we can visit Fewa Lake, David fall and where we can see the beautiful views of Machhapuchhare (6997m), Annapurna III (7555m) and Annapurna IV (7525m), Lamjung Himal (6983m). Free time after arrival at hotel at Pokhara.

Accommodation : Hotel


Our flight will approximately 20 minutes to Jomosom (2720m) from Pokhara early in the morning. We can see the magnificent views of Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri ranges and pass through the kaligandaki goreges. We can see lots of people (Pilgrim), tourist travel to Muktinath from Jomsom, Upper Mustang Trekking offers you to watch the spiritual journey of individuals who are looking for enlightenment. We arrive at Jomsom the main city of the region, chief small city. We will meet our Nepali staffs and start to walk through kaligandi river to eklebhatti and our night at Kagbeni typical tibetan houses village. Which is known as the gateway of Upper Mustang trek. It is lies in the Upper Mustang's resticted region and fortified village of Tibetan architecture. 


Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 3h to 3h30
Accommodation : In lodge

We submit our upper mustang special trekking permit at the Kagbeni checkpoint before continuing beautiful mineral landscapes to the village of Tangbe. The village seems silent, with lots of Buddhists monuments like painted chortens, old ruined fort, surrounded village by fields of barley. We pass inside the village and move towards Chuksang village where we lunch along the eastern bank of the Kali Gandaki River. We can see in this day, the beautiful mountains Nilgiri (7061m) and in the day mountains like Dajori La pass (3650m) from where we enjoy a superb view of the Damodhar Himal and Annapurna range. We cross the river and steep part to arrive our camp Chele (3100m), small colorful village with Buddhist monuments.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 4h to 5h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +550m/-250m

Upper Mustang Trek difficulty level will increase slightly as you will gain an elevation of around 800 meters. We pass through Khyakar Gurung village (3562m), we start to climb up gradually, and downs and steep climb up to Samar village(3660m), where we lunch. This day is long day of walk as we go to visit the Rangchung cave of Buddhist, Guru Rimpoche with up and down path. We can drink a tea by lama. And really steep scents up to our camp Syangboche village (3800m). We might be tired in this day.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h to 7h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +1020m/-350m

Small climb up to Syangboche la pass (3850m) with big old stupa and perfect view of Gheling village and visit monasteries and start to climb up towards Nya La Pass (4010m), we descends towards Ghami la (3770m) and arrive at Ghami pretty big village (3520m), where we stop for the lunch break. We cross through the middle of village by turning the prayer wheels in manies and stupas. Beautiful typical Tibetan styles houses. and cross the river and passing by the old big stupas and ascents gradually to Dhakmar village. We can see the different landscapes at Dhakmar, imposing natural red earth fortress pierced by troglodyte.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h to 6h30
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +950m/-650m

This day is very important day that we arrive at the capital of this region (Lo-mathang). We climb up to Muy la Pass (4170m). Descents slowly towards 'Ghar Gompa" (3920m) is the oldest monastry. The pure virtue of Nyingmpa secte, scriptures of Padhmashambhava. We take of packed lunch in this day and climb up to another second pass of the day, we lunch just before arriving the second pass of Chogo La (4280m). It seems as we change the valley, we can see open valley and descends towards the Lo-manthang village, the mythical capital of the kingdom of Mustang, which was founded by Ame Pal at the end of the 14th centaury. This village was only accessible throught two gates which were closed at night. Lo-manthang is historical, Tibetan culture with 3 big monasteries and we can see the people regrouping at the center of village, just infront of the gate of the palace royal.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 7h to 7h30
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +950m/-820m

Today is the day for acclimatization and explore Lo-Manthang and it's region. We don't have lots of time to visit Lo-Manthang village to explore near it's area. We reserve local transportation to gain our time, Breakfast early in the morning and reserve local jeeps to go Chosar cave, Jhong and Nyiphu monasteries. Like most cave complexes in Mustang, these caves were probably dug during the first millennium BCE, perhaps during the second, when the Bonpo kingdom of Zhang Zhung was at the height of its power. We lunch over there, and return back to Lo-Manthang to visit the main sites and monuments of Lo Manthang: the Jhampa Lhakang which houses a huge statue of Buddha as well as superb mandalas, the monasteries of Thubchen and Chodey, Royal palace and village. The distance from Lo-Manthang to the Tibetan border is around 50 kilometers. Lo-Manthang served as the main commercial junction for garments and salt between Nepal and Tibet. We sleep for the second night in the same lodge.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included.
No fixed hours
Accommodation : in lodge

Time to return back but not from the same way, today, you will depart from Lo-Manthang and go via Lo La before arriving in Dhi, we leave the path which lead to Tsarang village and walk through the magnificent balcony path. This is the beginning of a magnificent Upper Mustang Trekking with Muktinath that will offer an incredible panoramic view of the surroundings and the view of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri. Arriving at a small pass (4000m) overlooking the village of Dhi. The scenic settlement is situated along the banks of the Kali Gandaki, where you can find a collection of homes, a stretch of fields, and some trees and descend in a landscape of fairy chimneys that water and wind have slowly shaped. A lovely village named Yara is located far above the river. Like most of the villages in the Upper Mustang, this one has terraced fields as well as a collection of traditional houses and we pierced by a seventeen-story troglodyte city on climbing up to Yara. We might meet a group of enterprising local women selling bracelets and other souvenir in the way before arriving our camp at Yara village.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +650m/-800m

We head towards Luri Gompa, by following the small river and visit Tashi Kabum cave, which is in the cliff of the mountain. he Newar style suggests that the artists were from the Kathmandu valley. The luri Gompa is also dug into the cliff, surrounded by impressive fairy chimneys. It is in a very small room, where we can see a old and beautiful decorate Stupas, probably dating of around 13th century. And we back towards to our camp, before we stop for the lunch break at a small village Gharagaon.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +350/-350m

From Yara village, we ascend and descend via a peculiar cliff and cross numerous beautiful plateaus and long climb to a pass at 3700m. That day is fablous day to walk on the open plateau, with the magnificent views of Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m) and Mustang himal. We steep descent towards the Dhechyang Khola river, in summer time, we have to cross it early in the morning, in day time, the glacier melt and the river flow up in big size. We stop for the tea break (3400m), and start to climb of steep part up to the top second pass of the day (4015m), we descend for a while and take a packed lunch. After, gradually, descends at the steep at the end, we then reach at the hidden but beautiful scenery surrounds the settlement, including a wide riverbed and the iconic Mustang Mountains beautiful. We can take a good photos of village with it's Stupas and stone walls inside the village.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h to 7h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +950/-1100m

This day, we have to wake up early in the morning, one of the hard and longest day of walk of this Upper Mustang trek but most beautiful. No logdes, tea shop on the way before we arrive at Chhusang. We cross the two rivers, and steep descends towards the Paa Pass (4183m). After few downs and up, we stop for our packed lunch, near small water stream. After the way is easy for a while with magnificent views of Dhaulagiri, Tukuche Peak, and Nilgiri snow-capped peaks are also visible in the distance and passing through more climbing and declining. We can see some extremely amazing rock formations, including hordes of sharp rocky pinnacles, when we start to descends towards Chhusang. During the hike from Tangge to Chhusang, we can see the witness a Himalayan salt mine in Nepal. We arrive at the evening only. Not to forget to put lamp in the day bag.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 9h to 10h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +1300/-1600m

We start our day, passing through Tetang village and start to attack Gyu La pass (4050m), from where we can observe spectacular Himalayan views of Dhaulagiri (8167m), Nilgiri (7061m), Thorang la Peak (6144m), Tilicho Peak (7134m) and Muktinath Himal. We pass through some small villages like Jhong, Chyongur and climb towards the holy and scared pilgrims place of Hindu and Buddhist in the same centaury. We can see the 108 bathing spouts, a Buddhist monastery at the same place at the last one, we can see the everlasting flame which was left by the creator of universe Hindu god Bramaha.
This is the important junction of Upper Mustang trek , Kaligandaki trek and Annapurna circuit trek. After crossing the famous summit of Thorang La Pass (5416m), we descents and arrive at Muktinath village/city. Mukti (liberation), Nath (The god). We can see lots of pilgrims indienne, Nepalis and tourists.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 6h to 6h30
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +1200/-600m

Today is also, on of the best day for the scenery and views of magnificent Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Thorang Peak, Tilicho Peak and Tukche Peak. From Muktinath we climb up towards some small passes and walk on the balcony for a while. We descends down and cross the suspension bridge to our lunch camp village "Bon Po" religon village Lubra. It's hidden and charming settlement small village. Newly discover village for the trekkeres. The broad, level path from these communities continues along Panda River until it joins the route to Jomsom, the administrative center of the Mustang district, which is situated along the banks of the windy Kali Gandaki River valley. Possible to take the bus/jeep after 1 hour of walk from Lubra to go to Jomsom. It's windy valley after around 10/11 am. The last day of the trek with Nepali staffs.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
Walking hours : 5h
Accommodation : In lodge
Height difference: +320/-940m

We take a flight to Pokhara after getting up early in the morning to take in the stunning dawn. Around 25minutes of beautiful mountain flight to Pokhara passes through several picturesque sceneries in the area of Annapurnas in the left and Dhaulagiri in the right side of the flight. We enjoy it and from the airport of Pokhara, we will take the flight back to kathmandu et transfer to hotel at kathamandu and rest time.

Incase, of the cancellation of flights from Jomsom to Pokhara beacause of bad weather and techinical problem. We have to reserve jeeps or bus to go back to Pokhara. In that case, we have to pass our night at Pokhara. That's why, we put one day more to stay in Kathamandu as a rest day, if we arrive at time. If the flight is not at time, we will use that day, for the security of the international flight. We gain one day from there.

Breakfast, Lunch included
Accommodation : in Hotel 

You can visit Kathmandu city with lots of famous historic temples, Stupas and Royal palace. Time for shopping. Note : Flights can be delayed or canceled due to bad weather. That's why we put one day more to arrange and manage the situation.

Breakfast included
Accommodation: In Lodge

Cost Includes

  • Accommodation in the local lodge (dinner, breakfast, and lunch)
  • 3 nights city accommodation (Kathmandu) with breakfast.
  • One Night Hotel In Pokhara 
  • All transportation, including airport pickup and drop-off.
  • Domestique 4 times flights from Ktm - Pkr, Pkr- Jom, Jom - Pkr and Pkr -ktm
  • Trekking special permit of Upper Mustang and Annapurna Conservation Area permit and TIMS Card
  • One Expert Trek Leader, assistants guides (1 assis. for 4 guests), Porters (1 porter for 2 customers)
  • First aid medical kit (Your guide will carry the medical kit but we also advise you to bring it for your own use)
  • All government and local taxes.
  • Nepalese team insurance
  • Welcome dinner & Farewell dinner

Cost Excludes

  • Nepal entry visa at immigration at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) (approximately 50 USD) per person per month (For this trek 15 days of visa is enough)
  • Location of trekking equipment such as sleeping bags, down jackets, trekking poles, etc.
  • Shower, Wi-Fi, cell phone pill charging and device
  • Unexpected costs due to health, flight cancellation, weather conditions, etc.
  • All monastery entrance fees, JEEP drive, and Horse ride
  • All kinds of drinks and snacks.
  • Tips for the guide and porter after the trek.
  • Insurance
  • International flight


The Upper Mustang Trek difficulty is rated as moderate. Although it doesn’t require technical climbing skills, the trek involves walking 5-7 hours daily at altitudes ranging from 2,800 meters (9,186 feet) to 4,200 meters (13,780 feet). The terrain can be rugged with some steep ascents and descents. The trekking experience is beneficial, but with good physical fitness and proper acclimatization, it is accessible to most trekkers.


The best time for the Upper Mustang Trek is spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). These seasons offer the best weather, with clear skies, stable temperatures, and stunning views of the arid landscapes. Unlike other regions of Nepal, Upper Mustang is less affected by the monsoon, making it possible to trek even during summer (June to August).


The Upper Mustang cultural experience is one of the trek’s highlights. As you journey through this ancient kingdom, you’ll encounter well-preserved Tibetan Buddhist culture, reflected in the local customs, festivals, and daily life. Key cultural sites include the walled city of Lo Manthang, ancient monasteries such as Lo Gekar and Choser Cave Monastery, and traditional villages where life has remained unchanged for centuries. The region is also famous for the Tiji Festival, a three-day ritual celebrated in Lo Manthang that attracts visitors from around the world.

Upper Mustang is famous for its unique cultural heritage, ancient Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, and the well-preserved medieval walled city of Lo Manthang. The region’s stunning desert-like landscapes, colorful rock formations, and deep gorges create a dramatic backdrop unlike any other in Nepal. The area is also known for the Tiji Festival, a vibrant three-day event that draws visitors worldwide.


The Upper Mustang Trek usually takes 12-14 days to complete. This includes time for acclimatization, exploration of important cultural sites such as Lo Manthang, and travel to and from the starting point, usually Jomsom. The duration may vary depending on the specific itinerary and the pace of the trek.




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